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Turgay Özdemir

Computer Engineer

Game Developer

Game Designer

About Information
About Information

I am a computer engineer and game developer/designer. I am an entrepreneur who started my own business during my university education. My ability to quickly adapt to the latest technologies and effectively use artificial intelligence tools sets me apart in the industry. I have strong skills in Prompt writing. I continue to improve myself and my skills by constantly developing new projects.

  • Address: Antalya, TURKIYE
  • Phone: +90 532 206 62 97
  • E-mail: info@turgayozdemir.com
2020 - PRESENT
Manager - SOFTLAS

I have been working on Smart Home Technologies since I founded my own company. I undertake both the management and tasks such as KNX programming, installation of network products, multimedia integrations, and IFTTT integrations by myself. Combining leadership and execution abilities across a broad range from project management to technical implementations, I have a successful track record in delivering optimal solutions to my clients.


Within my own company, I develop Hyper casual and casual games for mobile platforms, as well as PC games. I play an active role in the game design, programming, and project management stages of the project. The games I develop for different platforms demonstrate both my technical skills and my ability to manage and implement various projects. I manage and develop each game through every step of the process from the ideation stage to the final product.

2022 - 2023
Game Developer - Celadon WLVS LLC

As a Game Developer at Celadon WLVS LLC, I successfully developed many tabletop games for the new gaming console, Unidice. These games were made compatible for play on both mobile devices and with Unidice. I was actively involved in all stages of the game development, undertaking various responsibilities such as programming, design, testing, and debugging.


I was developing a new Hyper casual game every two weeks. I also assumed roles in game ideation, game design, and level design. My creative thinking skills and ability to prototype quickly were significant advantages in this rapid development cycle.

Education & Intern
2017 - 2022
Computer Engineering - Antalya Bilim University

I was the founder of the Antalya Bilim University Cyber Security Club and served as the club President for 2021-2022. I organized conferences to raise awareness about cyber attacks and provided introductory training to club members in Ethical hacking. I was also a member of the Game Development Community Club.


Object Oriented Programming, Data Structures, Algorithms, Database Systems, Web Programming,
Systems Programming, Software Engineering, Operating Systems, Computer Organization and
Architecture, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Cryptography, Formal Languages and Automata Theory,
Computer Networks, Blockchain

Calculus, Discrete Computational Structures, Linear Algebra, Differential Equations, Probability and
Statistics for Engineers, Numerical Analysis for Engineering

Human Resources Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Technical Writing and Presentation

Intern Frontend Developer - PI Software

In this internship position, I gained my initial experience in Frontend Development by learning to use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Intern Backend Developer

In this internship position, I worked with marketplace integrations and learned about concepts like servers and APIs. This experience enhanced my understanding of backend development and improved my technical skills.


Planning & Research

I start by thinking about the game's story and characters. I also look at what other games are doing and try to find a unique angle.


Here, I plan how the game will work. This includes the game rules, levels, and how it will look and feel. I sketch out ideas and discuss them with my team.


I make a simple version of the game. This lets me try out ideas and see what works. It's a quick way to test and change things.


This is where I build the game. I add graphics, sounds, and make everything work together. This step takes time as I aim for quality.


I play the game a lot to find and fix any problems. I want it to be fun and free of errors. Feedback from others is also really important here.


When the game is ready, I share it with others. This might also include selling or advertising it. It's exciting to see others enjoy what I've created.

Techcareer Game Development Bootcamp

Serial No: 34302270842960

Antalya Bilim University Cyber Security Camp
C# Application Development Training from A to Z
KOSGEB Advanced Entrepreneurship Training

Qualification ID: KSB012020U149G66945E

Object Oriented Programming Development and Adaptation Training

Republic of Türkiye Ministry of National Education

Qualification ID: 97010220180054565070


Engineering Skills
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Data Structures
  • Design Patterns
  • Git and Git Services
Unity Skills
  • Hyper Casual & Casual Mechanics
  • Unity VR/AR Development
  • Dependency Injection
  • Unity Netcode Networking
  • Unity DOTS (Entity Component System)
  • Unity Shader Programming
Soft Skills

Communication, Teamwork, Problem-solving, Time management, Creativity, Research skills, Logical thinking, Troubleshooting skills


Programming Languages

  • C#
  • Python
  • CSS (UI Toolkit)

Languages Skills

  • Turkish
  • English
  • Russian
  • Italian


Generative AI & Tools

I use artificial intelligence tools in the most effective way to make my life easier. 



I write technical articles about game development and share them on my blog site.


Video Stream

I produce content related to games on my YouTube channel.

